January 13, 2013

cooking club

“If you’re interested in learning or showing others how to cook easy, healthy and affordable
meals, then Community cooking is for you.
The Community Cooking Club provides a friendly and welcoming place for community members to come together to cook & share a meal.
The group meets weekly, beginning on Thursday, 14th February, from 10.30am – 1.30pm
at the Maroochy Neighbourhood Centre, 5th Avenue Cotton Tree. 
We are currently seeking new members. 

Cost is $10.00 per week to participate.

For more information on how to get involved with the 
Community Cooking club Just drop in and talk with those present about how it works and how you can join or contact  5443 669 
This regular event arose out of the need for local people to have the opportunity to meet others in an informal and friendly atmosphere.